⚜️The Seven Houses

A kingdom in dispair

The Kingdom of Concordia did not blossom overnight. It grew its roots deep beneath the land over many centuries, spreading its life-giving branches far and wide. Like all gardens that house ancient family trees, the smattering of counties that make up the sprawling landmass required a patient hand for them to bloom into what they are today. Not to mention, temperate weather and an abundance of fresh water.

Houses of the Kingdom

Lord Gelid of House Rime rules, far North, in the unforgiving lands of Everwinter. They say the Rime family was thawed from ancient glacial ice and have braved the snow and cold ever since. Wealthy merchants after years of trading scarce commodities, namely ice and rare furs, House Rime consider themselves self-sufficient. Often described as frosty, and a hard people, they have survived blizzards and snowstorms, there is little they fear from the soft Southlanders.

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