🤝The Team

A Fusion of Expertise and Passion

At the core of Royal Ties is a dynamic team, a blend of seasoned traders, visionary strategists, innovative artists, and dedicated community managers. Together, they form the cornerstone of our kingdom's growth and success. With expertise spanning across market analysis, strategic planning, creative storytelling, and community engagement, each member plays a vital role in weaving the rich tapestry of our project.

Their combined talents and relentless dedication not only drive our progress but also strengthen the bonds within our community, propelling Royal Ties towards a legacy of prosperity and unity.

HawkSpice | Project Founder - Royal Ties

Business Analyst and Forex trader with 6+ years of experience ready to tackle the Web3 world and bring a new view on how things are done in the space.

Azan | Royal Advisor - Luna Labs

Founder of Luna Labs, an exclusive 100 member DAO focused on collecting the best WEB3 Talent in the ecosystem. Prior to coming to WEB3, he built 2 successful businesses. He advises and runs multiple projects in the WEB3 space.

"My vision is to bring a positive change to the ecosystem with fresh, creative ideas."

BrokeAvgJoe | Royal Operations - Project AMP

Crypto Extraordinaire. Has participated on multiple well known projects providing constant value to holders and has now decided to go all in into his own project.

MikeJagga | Royal Storyteller - MetaBards

Actor, writer, and CEO of MetaBards, bringing over a decade of storytelling experience to the Blockchain; breathing life into lore.

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